HTC P3350 launched in India and It is available in India at a price of Rs 18,490. It has a business features and music capabilities and It has a 2mp (Mega Pixel) camera and a 2.8 inch QVGA display.
Music capabilities are its features an in-built FM Radio and is able of downloading music and other audio and video contents, The downloading is through WLAN access and hence is quite fast enough, apart from WLAN it has other connectivity which is like quad band, GPRS(General Packet Radio System), EDGE(Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) and Bluetooth v 2.0 and the phone runs on Windows Mobile 6. Not only has it got some great features, the design is also quite stylish. It has a 8 way touch pointer and a 360 degree scroll wheel.
It supports software which is run in this phone such as Microsoft Office programs Outlook Mobile, Word Mobile, Excel Mobile,
Music capabilities are its features an in-built FM Radio and is able of downloading music and other audio and video contents, The downloading is through WLAN access and hence is quite fast enough, apart from WLAN it has other connectivity which is like quad band, GPRS(General Packet Radio System), EDGE(Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) and Bluetooth v 2.0 and the phone runs on Windows Mobile 6. Not only has it got some great features, the design is also quite stylish. It has a 8 way touch pointer and a 360 degree scroll wheel.
It supports software which is run in this phone such as Microsoft Office programs Outlook Mobile, Word Mobile, Excel Mobile,
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