Phishing is a way of saying keylogger but in an other meaning.Let's say you want to create a hotmail phishing page.The page should look
exactly like the real one.
How does it work:
You can download/make a replica of the website you want to phish.And save is as HTML.When you're done with that,you have to find a way
to upload the HTML.Best way is a Website.Like Piczo/Blogspot.When thats done the user types his/hers username and password.And automatically
it will be sent to you by mail.And there you have it,that's Phishing.
Brute Forcing
Brute Forcing is like guessing the password , but instead you make/download a password list[a long txt file containing words that might be
the password] ad the Brute Forcer tries them all
Keyloggers is like phishing but is more simple.Its a simple .exe executable.When someone clicks it,the Keylogger auto downloads.And you'll
have ,on your computer,you start it,and put in the ip of the destination,and every hour you'll receive keys pressed on his computer
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